Fortifying the Bond with the holy land in These turbulent times through zoom events hosted by rabbi josh weisberg: featuring A gripping documentary film about and a candid discussion with a remarkable israeli
Personalize your "common ground" encounter.
Choose the featured guest of your zoom event.
Rabbi Tamir Nir
Rabbi Tamir founded Jerusalem Reform Synagogue Achva BaKerem in 2007 and served in the past as the vice-mayor of Jerusalem, Tamir and his wife Adit have 3 children including a son who is an IDF commander on the front lines today. Tamir's documentary addresses his struggle with his late Orthodox father's rejection of his liberal religious path, and his efforts to shape a modern Israeli community within the framework of liberal Judaism.

Brother Olivier
The son of a fiercely anti-clerical Catholic father in Southern France, Olivier went through a transformation as a young man, joining a Benedictine monastery and moving to Israel. Today, based in the Arab town of Abu Gosh, Olivier is an Israeli citizen: a volunteer in the IDF who works tirelessly to promote mutual acceptance between Christians, Jews and Muslims. Join Olivier as he tells his extraordinary life story and discusses the challenges of balancing his activism with the contemplative life of a monk.
Brhan Vorko

Meital Sapir
Raised in Florida by her Israeli father and American mother, Meital immigrated to Israel after completing her BA at Barnard University. In the current conflict, Meital serves as an IDF officer. Her documentary focuses on Meital's challenging yet formative experiences as a female commander in the IDF.
Ilan Scheinfeld
The son of two holocaust survivor parents, Ilan is one of Israel’s most celebrated authors and a gay single-father of twin sons. Join Ilan as he speaks of his sexual identity, his parents' struggles to accept his life choices, his writing, and his deep connections with his religious Jewish heritage.
Brhan Vorko
Born in Addis Ababa, Brhan and her family moved to Israel's South when she was a young girl. For them, like all residents of her city, periodic missile attacks from Gaza are a regular part of life, even before Hamas' surprise attack claiming the lives of over 1200 Israelis on October 7th. In Brhan's documentary she speaks with-breaking honesty about the challenges and opportunities she faces as an Ethiopian Israeli.
an encounter with israel unlike any other

participants with Israel, Israelis, and the IDF: Our Zoom events are designed to bridge the gap between your congregants and the vibrant tapestry of Israel's culture, its resilient people, and our IDF soldiers.
a short professional documentary produced by Rabbi Josh Weisberg about your Common-Ground featured guest.
what Happens the Day After: What future impact will the War have on Israeli democracy, religious, pluralism, and coexistence with our Palestinian neighbors?
participants to Distinguish Between Fake News and the Real Deal: Equip your congregants with the tools to navigate through the information maze.
honest Responses to Tough Questions: Your congregants can pose their toughest questions and receive clear, thoughtful responses.
Each event lasts between 60 and 75 minutes and includes
a short professional documentary about your featured guest
a fascinating talk by your featured guest followed by a Q and A TO address participants' concerns and questions.